Wednesday, December 1, 2021


21.53 Acupuncture Pen alleviates pain, improves blood circulation, reduces stress and tension in your joints and muscles, massages and revi...

Acupuncture Pen - Electro Pain Relief Therapy

Acupuncture Pen

Acupuncture Pen

Acupuncture Pen

Acupuncture Pen

Acupuncture Pen

Acupuncture Pen

Acupuncture Pen

Acupuncture Pen

Acupuncture Pen

Acupuncture Pen

Acupuncture Pen alleviates pain, improves blood circulation, reduces stress and tension in your joints and muscles, massages and revitalizes your skin.

The Acupuncture Pen electrophysiologically stimulate our body, through the network of bio-axis, directly into the body tissues, organs, regulating bio-electric field, activate radicals and the adjustment of biological cells, essentially regulate the body's absorption, conduction, balance, metabolism, immune functions, and health care.
Using acupuncture pen in the joints, the physiological waste can be cleaned up, like cold, wet, silt, heat, toxic bad things block, while the Infrared laser therapy function help relive the pain of muscles, joints, nerves, trauma, eliminate inflammation and treat skin diseases.
Benefits of Using an Electronic Acupuncture Pen: 
  • Helps Release Endorphins
  • Improves Bodily Functions
  • No Needles Necessary
  • Conveniently Take Our Portable Pain Relief Device With You Anywhere
  • Acupuncture is a Natural Painkiller
  • Firms Sagging and Aging Skin
  •  Promotes Healthy Blood Circulation
  • Detox the Meridians
  • Help to Reduce Muscle Pain
Use it 1-2 times a day. And it should be 3-5s for each point. Repeat to massage on one acupoint, but it is not recommended for long-term continuous massage one.
NEEDLELESS ACUPUNCTURE MASSAGE PEN: Our Serenity Stylus Meridian Acupuncture Pen alleviates pain, improves blood circulation, reduces stress and tension in your joints and muscles, massages and revitalizes your skin by removing free radicals to prevent premature aging and diminish wrinkles, while providing a safe, proven, innovative, and electric acupuncture therapy.
SAFE AND EASY TO USE: With our shockproof handle design technology, our Serenity Stylus is both safe and effective. You don't have to worry about getting shocked like our competitors' products. Simply connect the gel patch to the acupuncture pen using the gel patch cable, apply the gel patch near your targeted area, press your acupuncture massage head on your affected points and it will immediately begin to relieve pain, tension, and stress.
EFFECTIVE CHRONIC PAIN RELIEF: Our innovative trigger point massager provides miracle benefits from head to toe. It’s great for chronic pain relief, arthritis, fibromyalgia, rheumatism, osteoporosis, sciatica, low energy, fatigue, muscle and joint soreness, back pain, faster recovery, migraines, stress, skin issues, and more.
CUSTOMIZE TO YOUR SPECIFIC NEEDS: Our Serenity Stylus Meridian energy pen comes equipped with 9 different intensity levels. With complete customization, feel free to adjust the settings to your specific needs and comfort levels. There are also 2 unique massage heads to choose from. And unlike standard acupuncture, there are NO needles involved with our Serenity Stylus.
PORTABLE AND CONVENIENT TO TRAVEL WITH: Our electric acupuncture pen is portable, lightweight, and easily fits in your pocket, purse or bag. Use it while traveling or after a long day at work, anytime you have a few spare minutes for pain relief.
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